8 ways to eliminate acne in those of personal belongings

8 ways to eliminate acne in those of personal belongings - This article, translated the American article that show you how to eliminate acne with daily necessities, is what the revision. Since there is also a care how unfamiliar the United States unique in Japan, will be introduced to your information. Here is the original English site ⇒ Http://Www.Wikihow.Com/Heal-Acne-Fast-and-Naturally.
8 ways to eliminate acne in those of personal belongings

And entertainers and without acne is a singer, also your skin clean. To the skin Even friends around clean! I acne want to heal, I think you think I do not want to spend the money to those without effect? In fact, by using what is in day supplies and a refrigerator in the house, we have a resolve method to reduce acne in two to three weeks. You may clean the skin can get in just a little bit of toothpaste possibly.

Eliminating method of acne using the daily necessities

1. Use baking soda
Baking soda and water about equal mix First, to form a paste. Then what was mixed with baking soda and water, using a cotton swab will continue to put one by one on top of the acne. Please do not paint the entire face.

About 10 minutes, or leave to stand as it is until it is completely dry.
Once dry, also in order to close the pores, let's rinse with cold water.
Do twice a day above. Or abnormalities seen in the skin if, please be interrupted if so greasy.
Become a small grain of scrub role of baking soda, reasonably remove those that do not need a skin, has the effect of those likely to be the cause of acne is eliminated. Also I think it is some people that have been practiced in Japan.

2. Use the toothpaste
If if conditions, such as a large acne is one lonely, please try using a toothpaste to try. The toothpaste contains a substance called silica, has the effect of enhancing the moisturizing effect. If you leave painted toothpaste to acne, you may acne is reduced slightly overnight.
8 ways to eliminate acne in those of personal belongings
The toothpaste If you want to use, in acne, please use something that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Because sodium lauryl sulfate is a strong chemical substances stimulation, it is better to avoid is that a lot of manufacturers of those that contain it.

Note: It sounds like there is quite a long time the rumor that "acne is cured with toothpaste!" In Japan. Previously, is such information transmission even carry Pamyu's official LINE, it had become a hot topic.

3. Using tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a famous herbal treatment with the antimicrobial action, is also effective for mild acne. In a study comparing the efficacy of tea tree oil and benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil, like benzoyl peroxide, it has been proven to be effective to alleviate acne. 
While the benzoyl peroxide, it is fast-acting than tea tree oil, tea tree oil has been with the side effects than benzoyl peroxide is small. 
In Japan, does not it may not be who is very common used but, like in Australia, seems to be commonly used much of "tea tree Speaking Nikibikea". In use, and as it is applied to one drop with acne a stock solution of tea tree ahead of the cotton swab. 
(Also please ⇒ for reference past articles Http://Nikipedia.Jp/tea-tree-acne-846 )

4. Use of aspirin
Aspirin crushed some, you use it with a paste mixed with water. We put on top of the acne with a cotton swab or hand, let's let it dry. The aspirin contains salicylic acid, salicylic acid has been commonly used in acne treatment as a substance to attack the bacteria that cause acne. Salicylic acid in aspirin, to attack at the same time bacteria and dry acne. 
[Note] This method has been said that can not be recommended from the doctor, but it was introduced in the fact that there is also such remedy.

5. Use the alum
Alum is put in the spice department of the usually super. Alum might well be used in a natural deodorant and Chidome, but sterilization of the skin, it's also tightening effect.

First, crushed alum and in powder form. For powdered alum is that there is a risk of damage to the skin, so please wipe gently placed on the acne so as not to stimulate.

Note: While in the United States of the article introduces the way to give directly to face the alum, who you meet resistance, we recommend that you try washing the face with alum water.

  • How to make alum water 

boil tap water 700 ~ 800ml. Some of boiled hot water, (in the case of raw alum 100g) baked alum 50g crushed by hand put, and mix. Once melted alum, is further added to tap water 700 ~ 800ml, voila After Shake well.

  • cleansing method in the alum water 

to put warm water in a basin, put in a cup about alum water cap of the bottle, just washing the face. This is not firmly highlight the dirt, for us washed clean your skin.

Treatment of acne using what is in the refrigerator

(1) use a lemon
Cut a lemon in half, so that you rub gently direct lemon of a cut in acne. I think I feel the stimulus, but it is evidence that lemon is acting. The lemon contains citric acid to attack the bacteria that cause acne.
8 ways to eliminate acne in those of personal belongings
• After rinse wipe the lemon juice, so please wear a sunscreen. Citric acid is because whiten skin, to the vulnerable state the effects of ultraviolet light. 
Note: Because the skin of the Japanese delicate, than put directly the lemon juice, let's once with the lemon juice to cosmetic cotton, destined gently in the area you are able to acne and pimples.

(2) use a potato
It relies on a cross-section cut raw potatoes to acne. The potatoes it's also anti-inflammatory effect. After addressed the potatoes, please rinse gently with water. 
Note: By painting directly face the juice of fresh potatoes, it seems there is an effect to reduce the thickness of whitening effect, the melanin pigment. When it was so as not to burden your skin if the trial.
(3) use the ice
I think you or chilled devoted to a certain part of the redness and inflammation often ice cold ones such as? By applying those cold, such as ice, pores and blood vessels to contract, it should be able to reduce the irritation and inflammation. 
Note: It seems fit to those who are this way fit in Japanese, such as a person of sensitive skin, in particular, rather than shed suddenly ice directly, first by, for example, try to wash your face with ice water, look at the state Let.

Or more, it is eliminating method of acne using what is in supplies and refrigerator the day that had been introduced in the United States. Not seen much effect by using a commercially available Nikibikea commodity, anyone who do not want to spend a lot of money, why not try one? We of course there are individual differences in effect, because no one has been recommended by a physician, to when it comes to try at home if, please use caution.

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